Tuesday, 30 August 2011

New blogger/ "hexagon bug"!

Hi there, well I finally have commenced the journey into the world of blogging! I have been watching enviously for couple of months now at all the wonderful blog sites.

So here goes . . . have caught the "hexagon bug" from that wonderful magazine "Vignette".

I decided upon the fabric range from moda titled "Curio" and I couldn't be more happy with the results. I chose a jelly role and found it quite easy to cut around the template. I even take them with me to work when I have that spare moment or three. I am addicted!!!

Until next time, happy "hexagoning".


Wendy said...

Welcome to blogland, your hexie flowers look beautiful.

Lyn said...

A warm welcome to blogland too from someone who has also started blogging this year - having grown up in Dee Why (but now living in New Zealand) I can certainly understand your description of the Northern Beaches as beautiful... it tugs at the heartstrings... You have been busy with your hexies.

Anonymous said...

Welcome, Suzi. Love your hexies! *grin*